Developing the Whole Child
Developing the Whole Child
The Bay View Academy (BVA) instructional model emphasizes academic rigor and a theme-based, integrated curriculum approach aligned with state standards and core curriculum frameworks. Instructional planning follows state-adopted and state-approved materials and incorporates skills-focused course work in language arts and mathematics.
BVA’s thematic component employs multi-disciplinary units of study in which social studies and science standards form the initial design focus, and language arts, math, and other disciplines like the arts are developed to support the main themes. These units may be several weeks long, perhaps longer. These thematic units offer students the chance to delve deeply into content, developing an awareness and understanding of existing connections between ideas and topics.
Students have the opportunity to put to use their knowledge and skills in math, language arts, social studies, science, visual and performing arts and technology by working together in teams, and as individuals, to solve problems, answer important questions, and engage with their community.